Results for the tag: UK News

Soyang Europe announces double director appointment

Soyang Europe, the leading manufacturer and distributor of digitally printable wide-format and superwide-format media and surface coverings is delighted to announce the appointment of Oliver Mashiter as Sales Director (Media) and Simon Mashiter as Operations Director (Media).

Graphtec GB confirms it will exhibit at The Sign Show

Diversified solutions provider Graphtec GB has become one of the latest companies to sign up for the debut edition of The Sign Show in 2025, hailing the new event as being “uniquely placed” to address the changing demands of sign companies.

Liquid Lens adds a Roland BN2-20 to resin printing solution

Liquid Lens, a leading provider of doming manufacturing solutions, has introduced the Roland BN2-20 eco-solvent printer/cutter to its domed resin printing lineup.

Soyang Europe raises a glass to trio of retiring senior staff

Soyang Europe, the leading manufacturer and distributor of digitally printable wide-format and superwide-format media and surface coverings and – through its sister company Soyang Hardware – a supplier of leading edge wide- and superwide-format print production hardware solutions, is paying tribute to three valued members of senior staff as they prepare to retire.

FaberExposize UK supports Fashion Loves Comedy Event

FaberExposize UK, a leading wide-format print manufacturer with over 35 years of expertise, proudly contributed to the Fashion Loves Comedy event in Leeds, donating sustainable materials to support this unique fusion of fashion and comedy.

New Flora X20 takes centre stage at Ricoh Print Evolution Live

LFR was recently treated to a live demonstration of Ricoh’s new Flora X20 UV hybrid printer at the manufacturer’s Print Evolution Live event. Here is what we learnt about the machine and other developments at Ricoh during the second edition of the one-day event…

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