Results for the tag: WORLD

TrueVIS TR2 ink technology gains ICS Performance Guarantee

Roland DG Corporation, a leading manufacturer of wide-format inkjet printers and printer/cutters worldwide, is proud to announce that Avery Dennison has awarded their advanced ICS Performance Guarantee for graphics printed with new TR2 eco-solvent ink and the new TrueVIS VG2 series 1625 mm and 1371 mm (64” and 54”) wide-format eco-solvent printer/cutters.

Facemounting to acrylic for high-end fine art

Face-mounting a print, especially a photograph, can really make the image the focus of the space. At Drytac we have developed Facemount, a high-quality, optically clear mounting adhesive, specifically for this application, but that's not all you need to produce a stunning result.

Speakers unveiled for Label Summit Latin America 2019

A host of speakers representing well-known brands and top label and package printing stakeholders is coming together to take part in the forthcoming Label Summit Latin America 2019, which this year returns to Medellín, Colombia.

XJet announces its participation in the AMUG conference 2019

XJet Ltd. has announced its participation in the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) conference from March 31st – April 4th, where it will unveil a new application made possible with its NanoParticle Jetting (NPJ) technology for the first time.

Toyo Printing Inks to participate in Ethiopia PPPEXPO 2019

Toyo Printing Inks Inc., a member of the Toyo Ink Group, will take part in Ethiopia PPPEXPO 2019 between March 21-23, 2019.

Got technical questions on ink? This Nazdar video will help

Nazdar Ink Technologies is marking the ongoing success of InkAnswers with the launch of a brief new video explaining how this award-winning - and completely free of charge - Q&A service works:

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